
Little-JIL is a maturing process programming language. Processes are written in a simple visual syntax. While the editor enforces proper syntax, there are a number of semantic requirements that are not guaranteed. The semantic checker described here checks a Little-JIL process against rules expressed in first-order logic, and provides feedback to the programmer identifying error conditions and providing useful warnings. The checker applies xlinkit, a consistency checking tool for XML documents, along with a growing set of custom rules, to check Little-JIL processes represented in an XML notation. Incorporating over a dozen rules and a visual reporting tool, the Little-JIL semantic checker provides clear and valuable information ranging from common errors to detection of complicated data flow anomalies.

The Project

Checker UI Screenshot
The work available here was developed during the summer of 2002 at the Williams College Computer Science Department by Shimon Rura under the direction of Prof. Barbara Lerner. A poster describing this work has been accepted to ICSE 2003. A paper describing this work has been submitted to EWSPT 2003.

Features of the Little-JIL semantic checker:

An additional by-product of the development is Rule2Latex, an xlinkit-rule to LaTeX pretty-printer, making the first-order logic rules easier to read [example].

Little-JIL is being developed collaboratively with researchers in the LASER research lab at the University of Massachusetts.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CCR-9988254. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
